Praying for 15 Minutes
Here is one outline of how to pray for revival. It begins by asking for personal revival, and working outward from there.
Pray for revival in…
…your own life
It has been said that the best way to begin praying for revival, is to draw a circle on the ground, step into it, and pray for revival to occur in that circle. We all can know Jesus better and follow him more faithfully. Ask him to increase your own faith, and to give you boldness to tell others about him.
…your immediate family
Ask God to bring revival to your house. Name each family member. Ask God to make them more aware of his love for them, his nearness to them, and his plans for their life. Pray for God’s protection and for good health, and that they would follow him more closely.
…your neighborhood
Think about your neighbors and the people in the area in which you live. Pray for them to know Jesus better and to decide to follow him every day. If there are schools in your neighborhood, pray for the students and the teachers to know God and to follow him. Pray for God’s peace and love to increase in your neighborhood.
…your church
Pray for your church pastors and leaders, and all those who attend. Pray that they draw closer to Jesus, and continually grow in their spiritual knowledge. Ask God to bring more people who do not know him, and that they will decide to follow him. Pray for the fruit of God’s Spirit to abound in your church members. (Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control … see Galatians 5:22-23)
…your whole city
Pray that your city leaders will lead with godly wisdom and righteousness, and that they will decide to follow Jesus if they don’t currently know him. Pray for the schools; for teachers and students to know and follow Jesus. Pray for safety and peace in the schools and all neighborhoods. Pray for families and marriages to be strong, and for churches to grow as they teach truth from the Bible.
…the United States
Pray for the President and other national leaders. Pray for an end to violence and division, and a return to right attitudes and living as defined in the Bible. Pray for all Christian churches/denominations. Pray for unity in the Church, and for all churches to grow and flourish as they teach the Bible. Pray for God to convict people of their wrongdoing, and to convince them that he is real, that he is good, that he loves them, and that they can only find joy and peace by following Jesus.
…the whole earth
Ask God to bring a Christian revival throughout the whole earth, that a great number would come to know and follow Jesus. If you have a liking for certain countries, name them specifically. Pray for an end to war and oppressive governments, and an increase of peace and freedom. Ask God to bring an end to persecution of the Church. Ask him to protect his missionaries, and that more would be sent to tell people about salvation through Jesus (Matthew 9:37-38).